Tag: business

  • Are You Following A Lemming?

    I had lunch with some senior leaders of a large company, one we all know well.  A company that’s run by people with just enough hubris to not realize they’re going to be out of work, one way or another, in the next 12 months (at most). Why?  Not because they’re not smart or talented or charismatic.  The fact that they’re all…

  • “Two things of opposite natures seem to depend / On one another”

    I’ve probably learned as much about creativity + business from Wallace Stevens as I have from anyone… from Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction IV Two things of opposite natures seem to depend On one another, as a man depends On a woman, day on night, the imagined On the real. This is the origin of change. Winter and…

  • See You Tomorrow At Concordia College’s Business Breakfast Series

    If you’re awake in Westchester tomorow morning at the ungodly hour of 7am, come for the “Business Breakfast” series at Concordia College.  I’ll be there.  Here’s the last slide I’ll present.  Here’s the first one: (image credit: Hugh MacLoed)